Task 5 and final report from La Rioja
2021-10-27 20:23

Summary written by Ruth Jessop
Task 5 was the strongest and most turbulent day of the competition so far.
A 73 km out and return task was set going to a turn point northeast of La Rioja. It was a task which quickly separated out the pilots, with mountain goats, the Bolivian Alem brothers, Diego and Miguel, opting for the ridge route. Others chose the foothills.
As they all flew out onto the flats the wind from the northeast made it almost impossible to get the turn point. It was testimony to the flying skills of the pilots in this competition that anyone managed to tag the turn point.
The return journey to La Rioja with a back wind saw pilots reaching record heights and encountering 7m/s climbs. Some pilots reached speeds of over 100 km/h. ‘And that was without even using my speed bar!’ Pepe Malecki, the oldest and fastest pilot in the competition told us.
There were wide areas of both lift and sink. There was so much lift that pilots had to spiral down to stay out of the airspace. Most pilots didn’t need to thermal on the way back from the turn point, 47km and they still arrived with 2000m to spare!
The views across to La Cordillère des Andes were fantastic. Task 5 was the high point of the competition for leading lady, Violeta Jimenez, a dream come true, flying with an enormous condor.
Sadly, today brought to an end of a fantastic weeks flying.
A very big thank you to Martin Romero and his team for organising such a great competition. More work than ever before went into making this competition happen. Martin’s determination to make it possible for us all to come to Argentina paid off.
A big thank you from us all for welcoming us to La Rioja, with the strongest thermals, tallest cacti and best empanadas in all of Argentina. Strong, dry conditions, a mix of mountain, foothills and flatland flying, with four fantastic tasks that will stay in the memories of all those who flew here forever.
It’s also been a fantastic opportunity to welcome eleven new pilots to our World Cup family, many of whom were often to be found at the front of the gaggle. William Pardis, from the Philippines, flying in his first World Cup, courageously took a different line and led out over the lower slopes in the last task. A big thank you to new World Cup pilot, Miguel Osmar Trotta, who donated the flipflop prizes everyday and even made Yassen Savov’s feet look presentable after his 15th World Cup task win, which he celebrated here in La Rioja.
After four gruelling tasks François Cormier was crowned a very worthy winner of the competition. He flew consistently well, always up with the leaders. He was in the top ten in all four tasks and fastest round the course in task 4.
Well done to our first lady, Violeta Jimenez, flying in only her second ever World Cup. She was first lady in two tasks and 43rd overall
Congratulations to the top team - paragliding paparazzi, Parapente Mag: Jules Croibier, Simon Gartner and François Cormier.
Above all, this competition proved: The World Cup is worldwide once more!
Task 5 results
Top 3 speed point winners – the fastest pilots round the course
02:02:56: Hernan PITOCCO flying at an average speed of 34.0 km/h
02:03:08: Eduardo SANCHEZ GRANEL
02:03:22: Giuliano MINUTELLA
Top 3 leading point baggers – those who were in the lead the most
161.0: François CORMIER
154.7: Simon GARTNER
154.4: Pablo Peque HERNANDEZ
Top 3 in the task
1: Giuliano MINUTELLA
3: Alvarinho Blas LUCERO
Top 3 ladies
1: Violeta JIMENEZ
2: Evgeniya BELOVA
3: Junghun PARK
Top 3 teams
1: Parapente Mag
2: Jack & Jones
3: Ozone
Best newcomer: Simon GARTNER (5th place)
Overall results
Top 3 overall
1: François CORMIER
2: Giuliano MINUTELLA
Top 3 ladies
1: Violeta JIMENEZ
2: Evgeniya BELOVA
3: Junghun PARK
Top 3 teams
1: Parapente Mag
2: Ozone
3: Jack & Jones
Best overall newcomer: William PARDIS (21st place)
All the results are available here: https://live.pwca.org/scores.php?comp=29
Photos are available here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/fofZr535tHReR17w5