World Cup Italy 2021 ::: Gemona del Friuli

Italy, Gemona del Friuli

18/06 - 26/06/2021
Italy, Gemona del Friuli
World Class - World Cup Tour

  • Friday, 18 June, 2021 to Saturday, 26 June, 2021

The first event of the 2021 PWCA season will take place in Gemona del Friuli in Italy. It will be the third time that pilots have a chance to race in a World Cup in this beautiful place.

You will find current travel information under following LINK

Local organizer website :


Flying Site

Gemona del Friuli is a historical town located at the foot of the Italian side of the Julian Alps. The region provides a huge playground for task setting both into the flats and along the mountain ridges. 

The main competition take-off is “Mont Cuarnan”. 
It is large and easily allows 5 gliders to take off simultaneously (5 slot launch) with an ample preparation area for up to 135 pilots. 

The access to the launch is by way of a tarmac road suitable for all vehicle types. However, the organisers prefer that personal cars are not used by competitors and so, transport will be arranged for everyone to get to launch in comfort, every day. The drive is around 40 minutes and would typically be done in one go. 

The Mont Cuarnan launch is located in the main Julian Alps mountain range and is south facing. The launch site is 900 metres above the valley floor and faces the flatlands of the Friuli region. To the East you have the expanse of the Julian Alps. To the north the range moves towards the Austrian Alps and to the West you have the Dolomites. 

Typical tasks would fly in both the Julian Alps and the Dolomites. 

There are plentiful and easy thermals to keep pilots amused whilst awaiting a start window. The large goal field is located right next to the town.

Selection And Entry

The selection process and entry fees are explained in the 2021 PWCA Competition rules.

The 2021 PWCA membership fee is due when registering for the first competition of that season, and is 38 €.
The entry fee for this event is 281 €.

The selection list is available here 

General Schedule

19.06.2021 Registration, General Briefing

20.06 - 25.06.2021 Task days
26.06 Last task and prize-giving ceremony

Daily Schedule

17:00 – 20.00 Registration
20:30 General Briefing

20.06 - 25.06.2021
09.30 Transportation to the take off starts
11:00 Pilot briefing
12.00 Race starts
18:00 Task deadline
19.30 Results publication

09.30 Transportation to the take off starts 
11:00 Pilot briefing
12.00  Race starts 
18:00 Task deadline
19.30 Results publication
20.30 General party 
21.00 Prize giving ceremony


There are accommodation options to suit all budgets from several small pensions in the village, to a rather nice hotel just outside the village.

Head Quarters - Hotel Willy
Hotel Willy is the HQ and base for the week. It is a large hotel, also with affordable camping alongside.

Inside the hotel will be the daily information and outside, in the mornings, will be the daily briefings and departure for the launch site.

The hotel has a restaurant, bar, tavern, beer garden, take away pizza and other facilities.
Camping typically costs 10€ (person and tent/camper). Rooms locally cost from 25-50€ depending on the standard wanted. There are some self-catering options and the campsite also has a restaurant that serves breakfast.


Camping Lago Tre Comuni
The best  campsite near Gemona is the “Camping Lago Tre Comuni”, one of the most beautiful places in the region (Lake Tre Comuni).
It’s about 8 km from the HQ.

All accommodation info
The tourist office of Gemona del Friuli
Via Bini 9 – c/o Museo Civico Palazzo Elti
33013 Gemona del Friuli UD
Tel. (0039) 0432 981441


Closes airports are Venice Marco Polo Airport and Treviso Airport (Temporarily closed)

A shuttle service to and from Venice airport will be available immediately preceding and following the competition, if it is needed. Venice airport is around 90 minutes drive from the venue. At Venice airport you can hire cars, use the competition transport or use the rail network for an easy transfer to the Gemona region.
Paragliding World Cup Association 2025
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