Daily report Castelo task 4

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Summary written by Ruth Jessop

Task 4 was an 80km race going south into the flats, then north back past Castelo and finally to goal in the south west at Jernoimo Monterio. 

The start required the pilots to wait on the far side of the valley and race back past launch and follow a series of ridges to the first turnpoint. The conditions slowed down and became slow and very sticky. The gaggle consolidated into a huge group that worked well in the difficult conditions. The pilots who got stranded on their own had a difficult time working in the broken and disorganised thermals. 

As the day progressed the south-easterly sea breeze picked up, adding more difficulty to the day.

97 pilots made it to goal with the majority arriving soon after the leader.

With so many pilots in goal, all having flown the same distance, and gaining the same distance points, the winner was therefore the one with a combination of the best speed points and lead out points.

Top 3 speed point winners – the fastest pilots round the course
02:28:48: Rafael BARROS flying at an average speed of 30.2 km/h
02:28:59: Marcella UCHOA
02:29:04: Honorin HAMARD

Top 3 leading point baggers – those who were in the lead the most
167.2: Baptiste LAMBERT
165.1: Honorin HAMARD
164.9: Donizete LEMOS

Top 3 in the task
1: Rafael BARROS
2: Honorin HAMARD
3: Baptiste LAMBERT

Best newcomer: Antoine DUBOIS-MERCÉ (46)

Top 3 ladies in the task
1: Marcella UCHOA
3: Violeta JIMENEZ

Top 3 teams in the task
1: Ozone
2: Niviuk 1
3: Northwest Paragliding

Top 3 in the competition overall
1: Honorin HAMARD
2: Baptiste LAMBERT

Top 3 ladies overall
3: Violeta JIMENEZ

Top 3 teams overall
1: Northwest Paragliding
2: Ozone
3: Cross Country Magazine

All the results are available here: https://live.pwca.org/scores
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