World Cup Castelo, Brazil 2023 : Final Report

Dear Pilots and Partners,

Summary written by Ruth Jessop

Task 6 was an 86km race covering new terrain for the pilots this week. 
Due to a higher cloud base, and better conditions than we’ve had, new arenas in the high terrain became available which led to quite a few decision points. The first big decision started before the start, with two prominent gaggles more than 10km apart. One at the large Forno Grande formation upwind, and one directly behind launch. Those that started at Forno quickly gained a large advantage, tagging the first turnpoint without stopping to climb, while the launch starters spent the rest of the race trying to catch up. 
Strong climbs up to 4m/s were scattered along course line enabling the pilots to fly faster than any other task this week, with incredible views above the high plateau west of Castelo.
For many pilots, today’s task was the most spectacular they have ever flown.
Stephan Morganthaler won the day by more than 2 minutes, with the first large gaggle arriving 4 minutes after he crossed end of speed. With 86 pilots in goal, all relatively close together, lead out points played a large role in determining the final rankings.
Today’s task was full of options, a task which threw the overall scores in the air but proved that you can throw the scores in the air, but the best pilots always win. Well done Honorin Hamard, Meryl Delferriere and team Ozone.
We would like to say a very big thank you to Frank Brown and all his team here in Castelo and to the local people who have given us such a warm welcome.
The first 86 pilots made goal, and thus all flew the same distance, and gained the same distance points. Today’s winner is therefore the one with a combination of the best speed points and lead out points. 
Top 3 speed point winners – the fastest pilots round the course
02:24:50: Stephan MORGENTHALER flying at an average speed of 33.6 km/h
02:26:37: Andrei GAIA
02:27:34: Vit PEKAREK

Top 3 leading point baggers – those who were in the lead the most
166.2: Honorin HAMARD
158.6: Michel CERVELLIN
156.9: Stephan MORGENTHALER

 Top 3 in the task
2: Honorin HAMARD
Top 3 ladies in the task
2: Violeta JIMENEZ
3: Alexia FISCHER

Top 3 teams in the task
1: Jack 8 Jones
2: Gin Gliders
3: Niviuk 2

In the team competition the top two pilots in each team are scored and the second one gives the ranking. The highest placed second team pilot was Youri Pitteloud flying for team Jack & Jones.

Top 3 overall
1: Honorin HAMARD
2: Baptiste LAMBERT
3: Alexander SCHALBER

Best newcomer: Antoine DUBOIS-MERCÉ (6)

Top 3 ladies overall
3: Violeta JIMENEZ

Top 3 teams overall
1: Ozone
2: Northwest Paragliding
3: Çameli Municipality
3: Niviuk 1

All the results are available here:

Photo Gallery (click on the comment icon for a description of the photo and pilot's names):

Gallery of the podiums :

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