Task 5 - Baixo Guandu 2022

Summary written by Ruth Jessop

With another beautiful sky a 93km task was set. The back wind on launch did not bode well. However, once everyone had launched the day just got better and better.

The task took the pilots on a triangular tour of the area. It was a proper textbook racing day. There was nothing along the course line to slow anyone down. 

Temperatures on the ground reached 40 degrees Celsius. In the air, even at 1900m, at cloudbase, it was 15 degrees. There was very little shade. The clouds were well defined and there were just enough of them to mark the climbs. 

The leaders stopped to climb in nothing less than 3m/s lift. With thermals up to 6m/s, it was a good fast day. 

Austin Cox summed up the day: Any day where you don’t land in the jungle is better than a day in the office.

It was fantastic to see over a hundred pilots in goal today and with such a wide variety of wings: the Ozone Enzo 3, Niviuk Icepeak X-One, Gin Boomerang 12, 777 Gambit and the Flow Spectra 2. 

Just a reminder that all the harnesses are now also listed in the scores. 

Top 3 speed point winners – the fastest pilots round the course
02:37:38: Galen KIRKPATRICK flying at an average speed of 33.2 km/h
02:37:43: Loïs GOUTAGNY
02:37:55: Luciano HORN

Top 3 leading point baggers – those who were in the lead the most
161.8: Rafael BARROS
160.3: Caio BUZZARELLO
159.2: Estefano SALGADO

Top 3 in the task
1: Luciano HORN
3: Rafael SALADINI
3: Federico NEVASTRO

Best newcomer: Theodoros ANAGNOS (41)

Top 3 ladies
3: Marcella UCHOA

Top 3 teams
1: Nearbirds
2: Ozone
3: Gin Gliders
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