PWCA Asian Tour 2023 – South Korea, Mungyeong - Summary


The last day in Mungyeong initially seemed hardly taskable. A slight drizzle welcomed the pilots at the takeoff, prompting everyone to seek shelter under the tent and in the building besides the takeoff. There, the pilots could enjoy their lunch packages until the conditions cleared up.

The task committee remained optimistic, as they did every day, hoping for conditions to improve, as they had in previous days. They set a 32 km (optimized) race to goal task. While Meet Director Goran Dimishkovski conducted the briefi ng, a wind dummy tested the conditions and was able to soar above the takeoff. However, the conditions were still quite variable, leading to some pilots bombing out directly. As a result, the start gaggle was quite spread out, with some pilots still struggling to gain suffi cient altitude.

Once again, the small task was full of surprises, as overall leader Martin Jovanoski bombed out, and Korean Pilot Yongmook Won secured the task win. This caused Martin to lose his overall lead to Zhenjun Zhao.

The women‘s ranking was won by Korean pilot Jinhee Baek.

After returning to headquarters, the closing ceremony was held at the University Center of Mungyeong, where the prizegiving was accompanied by a delightful buffet and live music

This 2023 PWCA Asian Tour event is now over and here is the link to podiums photos :

All results are available here :
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