Press release

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At the beginning of October, the paragliding world will head to South Korea, a favourite World Cup destination, for our fourth competition there.

Gochang has held many paragliding competitions over the years, including a pre-World Cup and a PWCA Asian tour event.

Whilst October is fairly late in the season, this is a good thing as the rice paddies are dry and should produce good thermals and leave more landing options than normal. Gochang normally offers good conditions allowing cat’s cradle tasks or downwind doglegs. If we get light easterly winds, we may be able to use the bigger mountains to the east for even more racing possibilities.

The weather patterns can be varied at this time of year, from high pressure days with no clouds, to less stable days with perfect cumulus. 

Whatever the weather, Korea is always an unforgettable experience of culture and culinary delights. One thing is also certain: at this time of year the tree covered hills around Gochang will be a festival of autumn colours.

So, it’s all aboard for the last chance to get those few remaining places for the 2022 Super Final in December in Mexico!

Follow the competition on our website and our live app

All the results will be available at:

Our split screen facility allows you to watch the tracking, commentary (in seven different languages) and live leader-boards at the same time:

As always, the commentary will include live photographs, giving a bird’s eye view of the task from the air as it unfolds.

With twenty-one partner teams our team leader-board will also be exciting to watch. 

Keep up with the World Cup on Instagram: @officialparaglidingworldcup. 

The pilot’s own Instagram pages show who’s competing and can be found on our pilot photo gallery:

Photo gallery by Ulric Jessop, which you are welcome to use:
Paragliding World Cup Association 2025
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