World Cup Baixo Guandu, Brazil 2022 : Task 1

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World Cup Baixo Guandu, Brazil 2022 : Task 1
Summary written by Ruth Jessop

Today was an amazing day full of thermals and great clouds. A fine day for flying. Not too much wind, a classic Baixo Guandu day.

A three turn point route was set, it was a very good, fast task. With strong thermals and really hot, even in the air. 

It looked like a procession across the sky but there was leapfrogging to be done, as the lead gaggle got low in the shade before crossing the river, giving a lot of those following a chance to catch up. 

In the inimitable words of Yassen Savov: ‘Today we got a painted sky and great conditions for an equally excellent task!  The first half was full speed all the time.  Only in the middle of the race, before crossing the Rio Doce, there was a slow section where people scattered quite a bit into different thermals and cores, but once over the river the rhythm went back to full on and never let off.  Rafael Saladini was pushing in the front the whole time, so I’m happy to see him crossing the finish first.  Well deserved, Rafa; and hopefully it will be a thousander - which is a rarity and quite the testament to a pilot’s flying.  We’ll see.’

And in the words of everyone else, more of the same tomorrow please.

Top 3 speed point winners – the fastest pilots round the course
02:14:18: Rafael SALADINI flying at an average speed of 35.3 km/h
02:14:21: Alexandre Dio GERMANI
02:14:22: Erwan DIDRICHE

Top 3 leading point baggers – those who were in the lead the most
161.8: Rafael SALADINI
159.4: Gilmar COUTO
158.1: Donizete BALDESSAR LEMOS

Top 3 in the task
1: Rafael SALADINI

Best newcomer: Pierre HANOUX (28)

Top 3 ladies
2: Prune DELARIS

Top 3 teams
1: Gin Gliders
2: Ozone
3: Air'G Products
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