Press Release

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Press Release
Paragliding World Cup, Aksaray, Turkey, 4th -11th September

We got off to a flying start in Gemona, Italy in June, with an exciting 7-task competition. Followed by four tasks in Serbia, where some of the younger pilots proved that they are the new paragliding force to be reckoned with. The Super Final in Disentis exceeded all expectations, adding a further seven tasks to the tally so far. 

Next stop Turkey. With strong thermals, Aksaray promises to be a very exciting competition and a great place to launch the 2022 season.

Aksaray is a truly stunning venue with take-off on the flanks of the spectacular Hasan Dagi, a 3270m high, dormant volcano. Apart from the rugged, conical mountain the take-off is on, the flying is mainly over hot, dry, arid flat plains, with small hills and some impressive gorges. Racing is technical, switching gears often being the key to success.

The world of paragliding design never stops, and Christian Amon will be taking to the skies with MacPara’s RFC (ready for certification) glider, the Magus 10.

We are delighted to have Zion Susanno, and his photographer partner Beth Sillince, filming the competition. They will also be revamping the World Cup’s Instagram presence to give more content with daily posts, stories and some live reporting from the take-off. They will be keeping up with the tradition of daily YouTube videos.

Keep up with all the highlights and low saves at and on the Live App at There you can see the tracking and live leader-board, including the percentage of lead-out points. Check out the results at:
The PWCA also has a live commentary which gives a thermal-by-thermal explanation of the action. Watch the commentary and tracking together on a split screen:

There is a photo gallery of the famous faces flying in this competition at:

Photo galleries from Aksaray, Turkey, 2018:

Paragliding World Cup Association 2025
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